marie's desk

Apology (Explanation, perhaps…)

I know it has been a very long time since I have posted anything here. There are way too many things going on in my mind. Not enough stimulating happening in my life. Too many roadblocks that I let get in the way of my writing. Too many inner voices I allow to coerce me into put the writing aside “just for tonight”. Those whispers that say I’m not ready to write when my fingers actually try to execute said action.

“Let it marinate just a little longer…”

“Wait until you’re at your desk… have that new laptop… not on your tablet… can write it down first….”

And that really vicious one who hisses, “Who wants to read your stuff anyway?”

That Inner critic can be brutal, I’m telling you, especially to a chronic procrastinator like me.

But I do know who I am underneath that label and what my capabilities are, so I push on.

I really wish I could write faster, publish more quickly, more regularly, like I used to be able to do. There really is a lot going on in my head. All those brilliant scenes that write themselves in the shower, the bathtub, after I turn the light out way after I should have since I have to go work in the morning, assure me that all is not lost, just erratic and misplaced at times. And I could do with a few more hours in my days.

At this point, I probably need to begin an actual “bible” to keep track of the series; it’s always been extremely important to keep characters genuine and details in line when I’m writing, so it behooves me to be especially careful when it comes to the Harts. Giving them a daughter, for me, was a huge deviation in itself. Making sure it all stays believable has become quite the job.

But then that “bible” would be an huge undertaking in itself. I should have been doing that all along, but who knew one story would grow into this?

The being more regular part- that’s strictly on me. It’s something I’ve vowed to work on this year- establishing a writing schedule that I adhere to despite the irritations and interruptions that I have heretofore allowed to become obstacles to progress.

I won’t bore anyone with details of that plan. Like J.J., I’m one who believes in not telegraphing her moves. Just please understand that I’m working on closing the gaps between sections in this series, and that I do so much cherish and appreciate your hanging in there with me and sending me your words of encouragement.

9 thoughts on “Apology (Explanation, perhaps…)

  1. Lesa

    I am a fan of your writings since it’s one of my favorite romantic couples and their incorrigible daughter. You do a terrific job staying true to the characters and that makes it believable. I would be interested to continue to follow JJ through college and wedding. Always a plus when Jonathan is in his tux.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. cindie neu

    I’m hangin’ with ya Marie ! You are an excellent writer. I can’t wait for new stories but do what ya gotta do. I’ll just keep rereading the old ones.. I love them !!!!


  3. triciaflowers

    I’m hanging in there with you lady! Do what you need to do to get yourself in the path you wish to be on. I do love your series and will be waiting when you post an update until then …. I have said it many times thank you for the hours of entertainment that I have enjoyed with your Hart Family! I love them all! A big hug to you lady your one he’ll of a writer!


  4. Lisa

    Marie, I love your writing since I first started reading about JJ. In fact I reread them about every couple months. As I am a teacher(special ed) also, I know how time can get away from you. So, no worries, just please keep writing. Lisa


  5. Tricia

    As a long time fan and lover of the JJ series, I’ll happily wait for each new chapter in the series. That doesn’t mean I won’t remind you from time to time that we are still her and waiting. Your writing is amazing so tell your inner critic to take a break! We’re behind you 100%.


  6. Lucy

    I love your story very much! You have kept the Harts alive for everyone who is a fan of the show. Everyday life comes first, so whenever you can post a story it is much appreciated. Thank you


  7. Dia Best

    Marie, we are behind you. We love this story. Keep writing and when your stuck, let us know.. we will help unstick you. You are an incredible writer and storyteller. Thank you for keeping our characters alive.


  8. Lisa La Mind

    You are a fantastic writer. I love the story and characters you have developed. We patiently wait for your next update. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Lisa La Mond

    Sent from my iPhone



  9. Marcia K Dodge

    I have been a fan of your stories for awhile and I just love your take on the Harts. I look forward to any and all updates you post. I and we all should understand that these stories are never priority of what life throws at you. It is a lesson in patience and we get rewarded with those wonderful updates when you get free to do so. I just love JJ.



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